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Welcome to the Kindergarten Enrichment Program at Homestead Elementary! 

The Kindergarten Enrichment Program provides child care and enrichment for kindergarten children Monday through Friday on regular school days from either the start of school until Kindergarten begins or after Kindergarten ends to the end of the school day. Kindergarten Enrichment does not provide care on days when school is not in session. 

Students partcipate in hands-on, self -directed experiences and acitivities such as reading and listening to stories, imaginative and creative play, art, music and cooking. Children attending KEP (Kindergarten Enrichment Program) may bring their own lunch or utilize the schools's lunch program at the regular rate. 

KEP Staff

KEP Specialist/Director: Linda Tasoulis

KEP Leader: Kim Lynch

KEP Leader: Sheila Knutsen

KEP Leader: Cathy Heasley

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